How images are used
Some images in TinQwise LXP are uploaded only once, but then the same image is used multiple times throughout the platform. An example is the activity cover that is shown in the 'featured activity', in the 'to-do list', search results and within a journey.
Some images are used only in one place but change quite radically depending on the device you're using. This is called responsive behaviour and means that the images are scaled or cropped to make them fit in each device layout.
Some images have a combination of both (used in multiple places and responsive behaviour).
General guidelines
Use the following filetypes: PNG, JPG, JPEG or GIF
For PNG, JPG and JPEG the filesize should be < 0.5 MB
A GIF should be no larger than 5 MB (but the smaller the better)
Video uploads should be MP4 format with H.264 codec
Always use landscape videos
Reduce the filesize as much as you can to limit the use of data for mobile users
Detailed guidelines for images
The advised image dimensions depend on where and how you use them on which device.
We created a demo platform where you can play with your browser window (resize your window and look how the images behave). First create an account, then just look around.
βWe created a document with recommended image sizes that work best for all devices: