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The new progression export page (BETA)
The new progression export page (BETA)

How to create a progression export and use the templates in the new progression export page

Sila avatar
Written by Sila
Updated over a week ago

Monitoring the progression of learners is paramount. Tracking individual achievements, journeys and programme completion rates allows admins to gain insights, refine courses, and personalise learning experiences.

Creating a progression export

Start by navigating to the new Progression Export page with a 'beta' tag in Control.

Step 1: Select the export type

At the moment, only progress on the Activity and Journey levels is possible to export. Programme exports are on the horizon.

Step 2: Filter for specific data - the filters are dynamic depending on the type f export you selected.

  • User filters: Delve into user-specific data:

    • Groups (e.g. Netherlands market and New employees)

    • Intersection of groups (e.g. Managers within the Sales team)

    • Contract start date (e.g. Employees who started after January 2022)

    • Active users checkbox (excludes pending and suspended users)

  • Content Filters: Tailor the content of your export:

    • Individual activities (e.g. specific activities)

    • Journeys (all the activities in the specified journeys)

    • Programmes (all the activities in the specified programmes)

    • Core and optional content (mandatory content versus elective content)

    • Completion date (e.g. Activities completed in Q2 2023. Please note that this field filters for completed content only)

    • Include user progress who no longer have access checkbox (historical data ignoring the access to certain content).

    • Include sections checkbox (progress on all the individual sections of the selected journey)

Step 3: View the summary and export
Before exporting, review a summary that outlines the number of users and activities in your chosen export. If all seems in order, click the 'Export' button.

Step 4: Retrieve your export
Navigate to the 'Export' page (, where your freshly minted export awaits download. Refresh the page if the export is not yet ready.

The export package will include four data sheets:

  • Progress per User (interpreted progress data)

  • Users (raw data)

  • Activities or Journeys (raw data)

  • Progress (raw data)

While we present the data in a certain way, you can also use the data in the raw format. This format might be dense but also very powerful when you create templates to convert this data in a more digestible way.

Why raw data? πŸ€”

We understand that at first glance, raw data can appear a bit daunting, especially if you're not accustomed to dealing with spreadsheets.

Here's why:

  1. βœ‚οΈ Flexibility for every need: Imagine you buy a tailored suit. It fits you perfectly, but it might not fit someone else. By providing raw data, we're giving you the fabric and the tools. This way, you (or anyone assisting you) can tailor it to fit exactly what you need, every time.

  2. πŸš€ Future-proofing: Businesses evolve. With raw data, you can adjust your approach as your requirements change, without waiting on us.

  3. 🎨 Personalised templates: While we give you a starting template, raw data lets you craft your own reports or even use other tools tailored to your taste.

In a nutshell, while raw data might seem a tad more work initially, it's a powerhouse in the long run.

Creating and personalising templates from raw data:

Templates are your instruments for translating raw data into a comprehensible and actionable format. To exploit the full potential of raw data, consider this guide:

1. πŸ“„ Download the raw data:

Begin by following the initial steps mentioned to obtain the raw data export from your platform.

2. πŸ› οΈ Create your own template:

Design a template that resonates with your objectives and simplifies the data analysis process.

3. πŸ”„ Update with fresh data:

Every time you have a new export, you don't need to start from scratch. Just copy the raw data sheets from your new export and paste them into your personalised template. This keeps your insights fresh without the need for repetitive adjustments.

4. πŸ“Š Visualise and analyse:

With the updated data in your template, you'll see a structured display, making it easier to derive precise insights and analyse trends.

Remember, templates are tools to help make sense of data, but they're most powerful when tailored to fit your unique needs. The aim is to transform raw data into meaningful insights.

Saving and managing export presets

Presets allow you to save your export settings for future exports, turning the export process faster and quicker by eliminating the need to reconfigure filters each time.

  1. Saving a preset: After setting your filters, click on the "Save export preset" button.

  2. Using a preset: For future exports, select the saved preset to apply the same filters automatically.

  1. Managing presets: Access and manage your presets through the "Manage preset" button located in the upper right corner of the interface.

Tips for enhanced data handling

πŸ’‘ Utilise text filters in Excel for group analysis

The direct filter options might seem limited when dealing with exports where all groups are listed in a single column. However, you can still leverage Excel's text filters to refine your data efficiently. For instance, using the "contains" text filter allows you to isolate and analyse data for users belonging to specific groups, enhancing your ability to draw insights from the raw data.

πŸ’‘ Custom sorting for deeper insights

Excel allows you to perform custom sorts beyond the basic alphabetical or numerical order. For example, you can sort data based on specific criteria such as progress status (e.g., Not Started, In Progress, Completed) or by custom group priorities. This can help you quickly identify trends or areas that require immediate attention.

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