As we strive to create a safe and efficient learning environment, we understand the importance of communication and privacy. Let's dive in to see how you can customise these settings.
Email Visibility
By default, user email addresses are visible on all platforms. This encourages effective communication, particularly between trainers and attendees. However, with the flexibility to adjust visibility settings comes a few implications.
Keeping email address private: When a user chooses to keep their email address private, a few things happen:
Invisibility to others: Other users on the platform won't be able to view the email address.
Inability to communicate directly: If a learner keeps their email private, trainers won't see the learner's email address in their list, preventing the trainer from emailing them directly. Similarly, if a trainer decides to go private with their email, learners won't be able to email the trainer.
Both individual users and admins can adjust this setting as per their requirements:
For Individual Users
If you're an individual user and you wish to adjust your email visibility settings, follow these simple steps:
Step 1. Click on your profile icon in the upper right corner of the platform.
Step 2. From the menu, select "Account".
Step 3. In the account settings, you will find the "Kep my email private" option.
Step 4. Click "Edit profile" to select the preferred settings on the drop-down menu. If the switch is turned on, your email address will be hidden from others. If it's turned off, your email address will be visible.
Step 5. Remember to save your changes.
For Admins
If you're an admin, you can also adjust your platform's default email visibility settings. This will affect only new users who join the platform after the change. Here's how you can do it:
Step 1. Navigate to Control > Settings > General
Step 2. Within the General settings, look for the "Privacy" section.
Step 3. Toggle the switch to set your preference. If the switch is turned on, the default setting will show new users' email addresses. New users will have their email addresses hidden by default if it's turned off.
β Remember, this will not change the settings for existing users. They still have the freedom to adjust their email visibility settings per their comfort and needs.