Release notes S22.47
Sila avatar
Written by Sila
Updated over a week ago

'This week kids asked Sinterklaas for "presents please"

And he gave you this awesome new release

While Sinterklaas left the country on his mighty white steed

We wrote these release notes for you to read'

🎁 This release, we have:

  • Bulk deletion of module and automations

  • Filtering events for trainers

  • Registering to events for late birds

  • Add to calendar

  • Lock module

  • New API: Group permissions

Bulk deletion of modules and automations πŸ—‘οΈ

Have you ever had to delete multiple automations or modules in Control one by one? Not only was it time-consuming but it was prone to mistakes.

From now on, cleaning up your Control environment is easier and quicker. You can select the modules or automations and delete them together. Having a clean LXP Control environment is just a button away.

Filtering events for trainers πŸ’ͺ

As a trainer, you expect a good overview of all the sessions you create and host. This can get complicated when a large group of trainers hosts event series, and the list of the event series feels like it's never-ending.

We set out to make your life easier by adding a filter option. You can filter on "Hosted by me", "Created by me", or both.

Registering to events for late birds 🐀

"I forgot to register for the session today. What can I do?" Did you ever hear that question before?

If you did, we have good news. Learners can register until the very last second before the event, and now even the late birds can participate in the events.

If this is something other than what you, as a trainer, would like, you can specify the registration closing date.

Add to calendar πŸ“†

Did you know that we forget around 50% of new information within an hour of learning it? No wonder it's so hard to remember appointments or our grocery list. We can help with the former by adding an "Add to calendar" button to sessions. You can link all the enrolled event series into your calendar so you never miss the events again.

New automation action: Lock module πŸ”’

With this action you have more control over limiting the access of modules for learners. You can use this action, for example, when you want to keep one module in a journey locked or when you want to keep the final examination locked until the rest of the learning is completed.

New API: Group permissions ✨

This release, we have one more addition to integration APIs. It is now possible to give group permissions over other groups. With this API you can easily give, for example, reporting permissions to your managers over their employees.

Check the help articled on group structure, inherited group permissions, and integration APIs for more information.

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