
Create goals for your users

Sila avatar
Written by Sila
Updated over a week ago

Goals are a powerful, goal-driven, personalised tool that enables organisations to facilitate continuous learning by providing a clear, non-linear growth path.

This feature help your learners to stay on track with their growth, providing a clear path to success.

In this article, you will find:

All about Goals

With this feature, learners can choose from a variety of available goals and commit to completing them, one goal at a time!

Each goal is broken down into a maximum of three categories, and each category has up to nine skills for you to conquer.

Learners click on a skill to see what activities, journeys, or programs they'll need to complete to earn that coveted badge. Plus, they can track their progress at the skill, category, and goal levels, so they'll always know exactly how far you've come and how far you have left to go. And when they finally reach their goal, they'll have a little celebration moment to mark the occasion.

It's important to note that users can only commit to one goal at a time, so they'll need to choose wisely. With Goals, learners have a clear roadmap for their learning journey and can stay motivated and engaged as they work towards their goals.

Setting up Goals in Control

Setting up Goals in your learning platform is a simple process that can help learners track their progress and stay motivated. To get started with setting up goals, you'll need to enable the feature. Just contact the TinQwise team to have them enable it for you. Then, follow these steps:

Step 1. Go to Control > Behaviour > Goals.

Step 2. Add a goal and fill in the details.

  • Identifier: Add an identifier which is not visible to the learners.

  • Title: Add a title for the goal.

  • Description: Describe how what the goal is about. The description is shown to the learner in the goal's details.

  • Image: Add an image that will be shown on the card of the goal.

  • Group: You'll also need to select or create a group of type "goal group". This will allow only the members of the selected group to see this goal.

    • πŸ”ŽTip: If this is your first goal, the group type will be automatically created once you save the goal. You can create additional groups of type "goal group" by going to Control > Structure and selecting "goal group" as the group type. Check out the Group Structure article for more info on creating groups.

  • Celebration message: You can customise the celebration message here. This message is shown once the learner reaches the goal.

Step 3. Add a maximum of three categories and fill in the details. Just like the goal, you'll need to add a title, a description, an image and a celebration message which will be displayed to learners once they gain all the badges in that category.

Step 4. After a category is created, you can add up to 9 skills. For each skill, choose the activity(ies), journey(s) and/or program(s) that need to be completed to earn the badge of that skill.

You're all set! Users in the goal group you created will now be able to see and commit to this goal.

Good to know πŸ‘€

  • No automations are needed to set up goals. Automations that unlock the content used in goals will be set up automatically when the goal group is attached to the goal. These automations are not visible to you admins.

  • You can customize the background colour of the Goals page via Control > Settings > Layout.

  • You can add a background image on the Goals page via Control > Settings > General > Custom background image

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