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Release notes S22.17 πŸš€

Release on Wednesday 11-05-22

Sila avatar
Written by Sila
Updated over 2 years ago

This release we focussed on two of our rising-star LXP features: learning programmes and social learning. Keep reading to find out the latest updates and much more 😍

1. Commit & preview programmes πŸŽ“

In March we launched learning programmes as a new way to bundle and present learning content. What's new? Just like offline, we now ask learners to commit to a programme. We all know that actively expressing commitment increases your chances of finishing. Before a learner commits they can preview the programme. The content is shown locked, for that is for those willing to sink in their teeth 🦈

2. Filter social results πŸ‘―β€β™‚οΈ

Learning is a cognitive process that takes place in a social context. Okay, so how does that work? We like to emphasise that our learners are not alone on the platform performing learning activities. Social learning is based on the basic principle that you learn through observation, imitation and interactions. Maybe you are already using sessions or one of our social templates such as the MPC or open question?
A great example of social learning is showing social results or answers. New in LXP is filtering these results for specific groups! That allows learners to filter answers for e.g. their store or country πŸ”₯


3. Retry (smart) exams πŸ€“
Not happy with your score? Or are you ready for a second run? Learners can now retry (smart) exams even when they passed. Good to know: they do need remaining attempts and their last score is saved.
​4. Provisioning update mails βœ‰οΈ

Was the user import successful? Check your mail box for a short summary that includes the number of warnings⚠️ and errors β›”. You can set up this mail by activating the feature in Control, there you also enter the email addresses of the desired recipients.

5. Other cool stuff 😎

  • Showing journey titles and subtitles either small or large is now customisable via self-styling 🎨

  • You now get in-app notifications when someone replied to your timeline post πŸ’Œ

  • Watch out for useful tips when creating complex automations πŸ’‘

That's it for this release.
Kind regards,

The product team

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