In the Content Builder there are many places with a 'rich text editor'. These are editors where you can not only add plain text but also bulleted/numbered lists, bold/italic texts, hyperlinks, and so on.
These editors currently also allow you to add images or embed videos. This looks like a very nice feature and allows you to add images and videos in places where you would otherwise not be able to add them.
However, we currently do not fully support the displaying of images and videos that are added this way. The images/videos will show, but we cannot guarantee that the media will always be nicely styled, and scaled correctly on all devices.
For example, in the above template (which is an Accordion), the image is set to show 'full width' but in the end result it doesn't (it aligns to the left).
On mobile the image gets 'squashed' and no longer maintains its aspect ratio.
Therefore, please only add media outside the rich text editor in places that are explicitly allocated for images and videos. See the example below (which is in the Start template).
Here you can add media and pick between image, video upload or video URL.
We are currently in the process of developing a new content builder that should be fully integrated with TinQwise Control, for which we'll do the necessary fixes that should make the use of images less error prone.