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Multiple Choice Video - Right/Wrong Feedback Template
Multiple Choice Video - Right/Wrong Feedback Template

Content guideline for MPC video - right/wrong feedback Template

Sila avatar
Written by Sila
Updated over a year ago

This MPC template allows learners to watch and select videos after a question. The videos will be displayed in small boxes. By default, this content will be treated as single-select, unless you tick the box ‘multi-select’.

Setting it up

Below fields can be filled into the Content Builder. Fields with an * are required.

Content ID*
Title of this template, only shown in the content builder.

Heading (text only)

A heading that will be shown to the user on the platform.


Here, you can include a text that could provide more information to the learner before asking the question.


A text that should also include the question.

Multiple choice

Question for analytics (text only)*
A concise version of the question. Used in analytics and invisible to the user.

Multi select (checkbox)
Ticking this box allows the user to select multiple answers.

Answer options

Create two or more answer options from which the learner can choose the correct answer(s). Each item consists of the following:

  • Option* (text only): A text description of the answer option. Shown to the learner and used in analytics.

  • Is correct (checkbox): Indicates if the answer option is correct.

  • Video*: File upload for a video.


This template supports correct and incorrect feedback. Each type of feedback needs:

  • Title (text only): A title for the feedback text.

  • Text (rich text)*: A descriptive text that supports bulleted and numbered lists, hyperlinks, bold and italic texts.

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