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Assignment Format

Content guideline for the Assignment Format

Sila avatar
Written by Sila
Updated over a year ago

The assignment helps the user to practice skills or a task. This format consist of an intro, a checklist of steps (with additional information per step) and a short reflection survey. This activity format has no underlying templates.

How to create a Assignment in the Content Builder 📚

Step 1. Go to your Content Builder; make sure you're in the root folder. This is usually the folder named

Step 2. Go to a Pages folder, or add one if it does not exist yet.

Step 3. Click Add child page and select the Assignment.

Step 4. Fill in the fields.

Fields in the Content Builder


  • Title (text only)* = This is the activity title shown within the activity, as well as on the activity tile and spotlighted activity (if applicable).

  • Image* = Image uploader for JPG, PNG, GIF. Shown within the activity as well as on the activity tile and spotlighted activity (if applicable).

  • Checkbox: Hide the image overlay = The image has a dark overlay to increase visibility of the close button. Disabling this checkbox will disable the overlay.

  • Duration (number) = Estimated duration of the assignment in minutes. Shown on the activity tile.

  • Text (rich text)* = A descriptive text that is shown in the top of the intro, supports bold and italic texts.

  • Subheading (text only)* = The subheading of the assignment. Shown in the bottom of the intro.

  • Subtext (richt text)* = A body text that supports bulleted or numbered lists, hyperlinks, bold and italic texts.

  • Related content = Here you can select one or more pages/activities that are related to this assignment.

  • Hide the navigation labels =


  • Text (rich text)* = A body text that supports bulleted or numbered lists, hyperlinks, bold and italic texts.

  • Title (text only)* = A title for the checklist that is only used for analytic purposes.


Here you can add one or more checkboxes and headers.

  • Heading (text only) = To add hierarchy to the checklist items, you can add one or multiple headers at any point between the checklist items.

  • Checkbox = Each checkbox contains:

    • Checkbox title (text only)* = Title of the checkbox, both used for analytic purposes and shown to the user.

    • Content = Add explanatory content to a checkbox, consisting of any number images, headings and texts, shown on a separate page per step.


  • Text (richt text)* = A body text that supports bulleted or numbered lists, hyperlinks, bold and italic texts.

  • Heading (text only)* = Title for the survey

  • Questions* = Here you can add one or more survey questions, you can choose from open questions and range sliders.

    • Range slider = You can ask the user to score something, or give their answer based on a certain range (e.g. ‘horrible —> awesome’ or ‘not at all —> very much’) through a range slider question.

    • Question (text only)* = The question text. Used for analytic purpose and shown to the learner.

    • Min / Max (number)* = The min and max number indicate the size of the range. E.g. 0 to 100, depending on how finely distributed your range sections need to be (see below).

    • Step size (number) = Determine the step size for when the slider slides across the range. E.g. a step size of 5 on a range from 0 to 100 results in 20 steps.

    • Range sections = Here you can indicate the amount of sections the range should be divided into. Each range slider should have a t least two sections. Per section you need to define:

    • Label (text only)* = A label for the section, e.g. ‘not at all’ or ‘very much’.

    • Start / End (number)* = The start and end number should lie between the min/max of the range slider. So if the range slider is 0 to 100, the start/end of the first section could be 1-25, the second 26-50, etc.

Open question

Here you can add an open question about the assignment.

  • Question (text only)* = The question text. Used for analytic purposes and shown to the learner.

  • Placeholder (text only) = Add a placeholder for the input field, such as ‘Write your feedback here’.

Once you are happy with your activity don’t forget to push it!

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