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Grading flow

How to set up grading flow for your learning bites

Sila avatar
Written by Sila
Updated over 8 months ago

For a learning bite, as an admin, you can enable grading. This means a user goes through the learning bite and upon reaching the end of the bite, the status is set to 'Pending approval'. A colleague, manager or trainer with the right permissions will then be allowed to grade the activity and add a comment for the user.

Grades are:

  • Fail

  • Pass

  • Good

  • Excellent

Depending on the grade, the activity can be reset so the user has to retry, or it can be set to completed.

Enable grading

First, you need to enable grading for the specific learning bite(s) you want to use this feature for. Find the learning bite under Content > Activities and click the title of your learning bite to view the details. When you click the pencil icon on the top right, a side panel appears. Check the box for 'Enable grading' and save your changes.

User roles: who can grade a learning bite for the user?

To be able to grade a learning bite, you need to have the user roles 'Manager' and 'Reporting manager' for the group(s) you are interested in. This permission can be assigned to a group (such as a manager or trainer group) or to an individual. These users will then be able to grade activities for any learner in the assigned group.

Let's say you have multiple groups with different trainers and you want each trainer to receive notifications only from their own learner group. This means that Trainer A manages Group A, Trainer B manages Group B, and so on. Then:

  • you will need to create a "Learners group" with a different sub group for each trainer ( Learner group A, Learner group B, etc.).

  • you will need to give each trainer the user roles for their own subgroup as the target group (Trainer A gets managing permissions for the target group Learner group A)

This will allow each teacher to grade their own students' assignments. There is no need to give any specific permission for the learners.

Adding automations and notifications

This feature works best when combined with two types of notifications:

  1. Learner -> Trainer: When the learner has gone through the learning bite, send a notification to the person who needs to grade it.

  2. Trainer -> Learner: When the activity has been graded, send a notification to the learner. This can be combined with (a) resetting the activity or (b) setting the activity to completed.

1. Ready for grading notification

Step 1. Go to Behaviour > Automations in TinQwise Control

Step 2. Create a new Automation

Step 3. Give the Automation a name and choose Activity ready for grading

Step 4. As condition select: Unconditional

🔎 Any time a user reaches the end of a learning bite with grading enabled, this automation will be executed. That means your notification text should be as generic as possible. We will provide an example below. It also means this automation is unconditional: it is executed every time an activity is ready for grading.

Step 5. As action select: 'Notify user'

  • Title: “Activity ready for grading”

  • Message: “Hi {{manager}},

    {{event.user.get_full_name}} has completed {{event.module.title}}. <a href="/#/reporting/user-detail/{{}}/"> Click here to grade the activity.</a>"

🔎 To the person receiving this notification, this will look like this:

"Jan Janssen has completed Learning bite X. Click here to grade the activity."

  • Check 'send_email' box (optional).

  • Email message: “{{event.user.get_full_name}} has completed {{event.module.title}}. Click here to grade the activity."
    Mark the text "Click here to grade the activity" and insert this link: /#/reporting/user-detail/{{}}/ to directly link to the user reporting page.

  • Email template: Notification (global)

  • Check 'To manager' box

  • Manager selection: direct manager/ all managers

  • Recipients: user

  • User source: event -> user

Step 6. Save the automation

When the person receiving this notification clicks the link, they will be taken to the reporting page for that specific user. The bottom of the page displays activities that need grading. When they click on the activity, they can view it with the answers given by the user. In the blue banner and at the bottom of the activity, they will find a button that says 'Grade'. If they click it, they will be able to select a grade and leave a comment for the user.

2. Activity graded notification

When the activity has been graded, you can send a notification to the user. We recommend setting up two separate automations for activities assessed as (a) sufficient and (b) insufficient. In this way, the learning bite can automatically be set to complete or reset depending on the grade.

Step 1. Go to Behaviour > Automations in TinQwise Control

Step 2. Create a new Automation

Step 3. Give the Automation a name and choose Activity is graded

Step 4. As condition select:

  • Activity graded (for grade sufficient)

    • Minimum grade to pass: 1


  • Activity graded (for grade insufficient)

    • Minimum grade to pass: 1

    • Check 'negate' box

🔎 Since there is only pass or fail, the grade to pass should always be set to 1. Below 1 is a fail and above 1 is a pass.

Step 5. Add first action:

  • Notify user (the same for both sufficient and insufficient grades)

    • Title: “Get inspired by the NAME Academy”

    • Message: “Hi {{event.user.get_full_name}},
      Your activity {{event.module.title}} has been graded by {{event.graded_by.get_full_name}} on {{event.recorded_at}}.
      Your grade was {{event.grade_description}}.
      Your teacher also left a comment:{{event.grade_comment}}"

    • Check 'Send email' box (optional)

    • Email message: “Hi {{event.user.get_full_name}},
      Your activity {{event.module.title}} has been graded by {{event.graded_by.get_full_name}} on {{event.recorded_at}}.
      Your grade was {{event.grade_description}}.
      Your teacher also left a comment:{{event.grade_comment}}"

    • Email template: Notification (global)

    • Recipients: user

    • User source: event -> user

Step 6. Add second action:

  • Complete activity (when the grade is sufficient)

    • User source: event -> user

    • Activity source: event -> activity


  • Reset activity (when the grade is insufficient)

    • User source: event -> user

    • Activity source: event -> activity

Any time a trainer/manager grades a activity as sufficient (or insufficient) this automation will be executed. Again, your notification text should be as generic as possible.

Texts and translations

Note that all platform texts in this feature can be adjusted in Control under Content > Translations.

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