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The Timeline feature

How to enable the Timeline on your platform

Sila avatar
Written by Sila
Updated over 5 months ago

Allow your users to share ideas, links, video and other content with the Timeline feature. They can post a comment in the timeline tab on the platform and other colleagues can like and reply to the comment.

In this article we will cover:

Enable the Timeline feature in Control

Step 1. Go to TinQwise Control.

Step 2. Go to 'Settings', then select 'Features' in the top right.

Step 3. Search for the Social timeline feature in the list

Step 4. Click on the gear button and tick the Enable checkbox.

If you want to use another timeline feature from an external website, insert the URL in the 'redirect_url' field.

The Timeline will now show up in the site navigation for all users. If you want to show the timeline only to certain groups, you can add these groups in the Timeline configuration.


Enabling the timeline as a feature does not mean that all users can now see Timeline posts. You need to separately configure Timeline permissions for groups.

Configure Timeline permissions for groups

Now you can configure timeline permissions for your groups:

Step 1. Open TinQwise Control on your platform.

Step 2. Go to 'Groups', select the group you want to give posting rights in Timeline.

Step 3. Go to Permissions and click on 'Add user permissions'

Step 4. Select the 'Post status update in this group' permission and enter the group you wish to grant the rights to, and save.

  • If you enter the same target group as the one you're currently editing (so group A can post to group A), this group will be able to post to their own group in the Timeline.

  • If you enter another target group than the one you're currently editing (so group A can post to group B), this group will be able to post to the other group in the Timeline, but not the other way around. This could be relevant for certain moderator or manager groups.

Digest email

New posts from your colleagues or trainer and the comments your post receives... everything is bundled into one digest email. This way, you won't miss anything. Learners can set their preference for either daily, weekly or no updates in their profile.
So keep track of your mailbox πŸ“¨ Timeline posts & comments can directly be opened from the update mail, which will create a nice pull towards your platform.

  • As an admin, you can set up the digest emails via

    Control > General settings > Platform emails

  • As a learner, you can set up the digest email via Profile

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