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Release notes S21.11 πŸš€

Release on Wednesday 31.03.2021

Sila avatar
Written by Sila
Updated over 2 years ago

Highlights ✨

  • In Control > Structure there is a tab 'Admin' that lets you create admin groups where you can add target groups and specific permissions touching both Structure and Audience, in future we will expand those permissions 🌟

  • We gave the Upskill feature a serious boost, improvements include progression on skills and journeys, ability to add journeys to skills and an order reflecting ECA automations logic and the ability to differentiate skills per group πŸ’‘

  • In Insights we added an Upskill tab that lets you compare badge achievements and filter by category and badges, and view completion over time and per user πŸ“ˆ

  • In Insights there is also a Progression .xlsx file export available now, with a filter on groups and journeys

  • Content identifiers can be added in Control > Content > Journeys and are visible in both the Discovery Stream when selecting a Journey and in Automations

  • Improvements on the Upskill badge form in Control

  • Removed the breadcrumbs on the billboard widget and learning bite, they were cluttering your learner's screen 🧹

  • Now the Suggested bites, Sessions widget, and Journey slider on the Discovery Stream are hidden to users when they do not have access to the content of these

  • Hide session widget from stream if the user has no access to any of the sessions inside

  • Hide journey slider from stream if the user has no access to any of the journeys inside

  • Styling improvements: default background color to Magic wall, small version of the journey card

  • Great progress for the dilemma game format, reach out to us to learn more!

Zoom on Features πŸ”Ž

Upskill feature

Here's a detailed video of what will be released for the Upskill feature:

Upskill in LXP

In the Remote Ninja category seen in the example video, 5 skills in LXP Control have been set up but only 3 are shown to the user because the other 2 skills contain modules or journeys that are not available to the user.

  • Skills can now require entire journeys to be completed in order to be achieved

  • The 'Some skill' example in the video can be achieved by completing 1 of 3 modules. The user only has access to 1 so that is the only condition which is shown to the user as it is the only one I can satisfy

  • Progress for a badge is now visible (in the video example: after completing the Download module, the user gets 1/5 completion in the 'New skill test', 1/4 in the 'Skill with or' and 1/2 in the 'Skill with journey test')

  • Progress on journeys is now visible, both the completed state and the progress bar on large and small journey tiles

  • With multiple conditions in a 'OR', the progress shown on the badge is the highest among the progress of all the conditions

  • Requirements are following the order used in the automations.

Upskill in Insights

In Insights > Upskill we now have a new tab dedicated to skills.

  • you can compare skill achievement rate

  • filter by category and skills

  • view badges achieved over time

  • search the badges available on your platform

  • check who achieved which badge and when

Admin rights feature

In LXP Control, under Structure > Admins, you can now create new admin groups and set specific permissions and which groups these users will view.

Create an admin group

  • Go to LXP Control, Structure > Admins and click on the 'create admin group' button

  • In the right Sleditor, add an admin group name, you can directly add the translations of that name right there

  • Then set the permissions -> go to the next step


  • set permissions for users part of this admin group
    to let users view Control, add the 'Access control of this platform' permission

  • to allow importer users, add the 'import users' permission

  • to allow managing invites, add the 'Manage invites' permission

  • to allow viewing members, add the 'View Members' permission

  • to allow managing members, add the 'Manage Members' permission

Target groups

Set the target groups that the users part of the admin group will see, they will not see the other groups not selected.

Add users to your admin group

On the top right, click on the button to add users to your admin group

Progression filtering and export

We completely reworked the Insights > Progression tab.

The in-app table is no longer available as it wasn't very popular and did not add much value. We now only provide .xlsx exports.

To still accommodate the users, we have expanded the functionality of the .xlsx exports.

You can now filter data on groups & journeys before creating your export.

This will enable platform admins to create smaller subsections of their data that they can then distribute among their organisation.

We have also added a customisation option (more to come!) to optionally include a "completed at" column next to each learning bite.

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